Jodie Foster’s Intense Training for Role in Oscar-Nominated Film “Nyad”

Jodie Foster, 61, stunned audiences with her incredible transformation for her role as trainer Bonnie Stoll in the Oscar-nominated movie “Nyad.” After wrapping up filming for another project, Foster dove headfirst into intense training to embody the character of a fitness powerhouse.

Director Jimmy Chin was amazed by Foster’s dedication, sharing with the Washington Post, “We never really heard anything more from her, and then she showed up just ripped.” Foster spent months preparing her body for the role, working out daily with a strict regimen of kettlebell drills and heavy weightlifting, along with a disciplined diet of brown rice, chicken, and broccoli.

The film “Nyad” follows the true story of marathon swimmer Diana Nyad, played by Annette Bening, who swam 110 miles from Cuba to Florida at the age of 64. Both Bening and Foster are up for Oscars for their performances, showcasing the strength and resilience of aging women.

Foster’s commitment to portraying older women as “badasses” extends beyond the screen, as she has embraced aging with candor and vulnerability. In a recent interview, Foster shared her journey of finding a new perspective in her 60s, focusing on supporting others and enjoying the collaborative process of filmmaking.

To fully embody her character, Foster spent time getting to know Bonnie Stoll, the real-life inspiration behind her role. The two bonded over their love of the NFL and a card game called Push, forming a lasting connection beyond the film set.

Foster’s transformation and dedication to her role in “Nyad” not only showcase her acting prowess but also highlight the power of representation and breaking stereotypes about aging women in Hollywood. As Foster continues to inspire with her performances, she proves that age is just a number when it comes to pursuing meaningful and impactful work in the industry.


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