The Importance of Exercising in Three-Minute Bursts and in the Evening: New Study Findings

Researchers from the University of Sydney have found that exercising in three-minute bursts can be more beneficial than trying to cram all your physical activity into a one-hour gym session. In fact, for people with obesity, working out in the evening between 6pm and midnight can have significant health benefits.

A new study published in the journal Diabetes Care revealed that exercising in the evening is associated with the lowest risk of premature death and death from cardiovascular disease. This timing of exercise was also linked to improved cardiometabolic regulation, which can help offset night-time insulin resistance – a key factor in obesity-related complications.

Insulin resistance, which can lead to high blood glucose levels and type 2 diabetes, is at its peak at night. However, exercising in the evening may help counteract some of these negative effects. The study analyzed data from nearly 30,000 people over the age of 40, all classified as obese, and found that those who engaged in moderate to vigorous physical activity between 6pm and midnight experienced the most health benefits.

According to Angelo Sabag, a researcher and accredited exercise physiologist at the University of Sydney, physical activity throughout the day, whether structured exercise or simply moving more, can have profound health benefits. Sabag emphasized that doing multiple bouts of physical activity throughout the day may be more beneficial than trying to do it all at once.

While exercising in the evening may be beneficial for overall health, a previous study suggested that working out between 7am and 9am is best for weight loss. Regardless of the timing, experts agree that increasing physical activity is crucial, as many people are not meeting the recommended target of 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week.

To help you get active in just three minutes, exercise expert Gavin Cowper recommends high-intensity interval training (HIIT), cardio-focused workouts, and core exercises. These quick workouts can raise your heart rate and provide health benefits even in short bursts of activity.

Overall, the key takeaway is that incorporating physical activity throughout the day, including short bursts of exercise, can have significant health benefits for individuals, especially those with obesity. So, don’t worry if you can’t fit in a long gym session – a few minutes of exercise here and there can still make a big difference in your overall health and well-being.


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